I loooooooove online-shopping!! What's best about online-shopping, is that we get to buy items that are unique and most probably not available in our own country...therefore not easily spotted on anybody else! ;p
However, goods that I usually lust for, are ones that are sadly only available in U.S online stores. And many of us shopping via U.S. online stores often end up frustrated as such U.S. merchants only ship to a valid U.S. mailing address, or if they do ship overseas, the shipping charges are unreasonably expensive.
What to do? Utilize a new service offered by
vsHub!! When we become a member of
vsHub, we will own a shipping address in the U.S. managed by vsHub, then
vsHub will forward the purchased goods to our real address (in Indonesia, Malaysia or Singapore).

More info on how it works in detail is available
here to read.
Oh I'm DEFINITELY gonna be a member! :D